When Urochela quadrinotata Reuter harms the spread of disease take a turn for the worse.
互联网Keep him on hands : might take a turn in there on the nod.
兴许 只消点点头他就会放你进去转一圈哩.
互联网His health began to take a turn for the better.
互联网Things will probably take a turn for the better soon.
互联网Maybe her take a turn for the better soon.
互联网Be patient, it take a turn for the better soon.
耐心点, 事情很快就会好转的.
互联网Life's a roller coaster and you never know when it's going to take a turn.
互联网Life is a roller coaster, and you never know when it's going to take a turn.
人生就如云宵飞车, 你不可能知道哪里会有转弯.
互联网This is the time that the mother - daughter relationship can take a turn.
就是在这种时候, 母女 关系可能朝另一种方向发展.
互联网I'll take a turn at the steering - wheel.
互联网We expect the market will take a turn for the worse in the near future.
互联网The situation should take a turn for the better soon.
互联网I trust that things will take a turn for the better in the near future.
互联网However, in time business may take a turn for the worse.
然而, 生意迟早会急转直下.
互联网I wanted to take a turn on a bicycle.
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